

Getting ready for the Sweet Things exhibit (which I'm co-curating) opening July 8th at Crewest Gallery in Los Angeles.  This series of paintings will be my first paintings for 2010.  Feels good to take a break from uptown and head on a lil' trip to SoHo to get some canvases.

Original cobblestone road. These are not always cool they make me trip! lol

this time we'll go here! whoever has the best sale....

I'll take all of these...to go!

ummm, which ones should i use?!!

i always use the gallery profile ...looks more profesh...

so this time i came prepared i knowing exactly what i'm going to execute and how many....

since i'm just shipping these to the west coast...i'll skip the unstretched canvas...

can u guess who's tag is in the reflection?

latest juxtapoz magazine...i'll grab this too!

no a/c in the store made it hard for me to stay longer than i usually do...and i could stay there all day!...time to scram...

didn't basquiat live a block away on great jones?

the big guy carryin' the load...