Graffiti of Northern Manhattan: From Street Art to Public Art.
Graffiti Del Alto Manhattan: Del arte callejera al arte publica.
A discussion on the roots of the graffiti movement and its history in Washington Heights and Inwood, with pioneers and the new generation.
Guest Panelists
SNAKE 1: Pioneering writer and founder of Writer’s Corner 188, the first organized crew.
INDIE184: One of today’s most active female graffiti writers hailing from Washington Heights.
DISTER: Dancer and artist behind the I ♥ MY HOOD murals.
Moderated by
Carolina Gonzalez: journalist and academic on Latino and Caribbean arts and culture.
Una conversación con destacados artistas de graffiti de Washington Heights e Inwood.
WHEN: Monday, June 15, 6:30pm
WHERE: WorkSpace Offices•Studios - 5030 Broadway @ 213th St.
Info: - 212.568.4396